Meet Winter! My first ADG Blythe Doll!
Meet, Winter! My first Ashton Drake Galleries Blythe Doll!
Meet Winter! She’s my second Blythe doll (kinda of). I named her Winter because I got her in Winter. Winter is technically an ADG (Ashton Drake Galleries) Blythe doll. Some will debate whether or not ADGs are Blythe dolls. They were inspired by the original Kenner Blythe dolls but manufactured by the American company, Ashton Drake Galleries. I plan on writing posts where I go more in-depth on ADG dolls but for now, I wanted to introduce her and share how I acquired her.
Watch me unbox her in my last vlog of 2024! Winter, I believe is the Golden Goddess ADG doll. She was given to Ayin (aka Splattergirl) after we were both in a virtual Zoom meetup Blythe doll chat hosted by La Dolly Dispatch, a podcast about Blythes! After the Zoom chat, Ayin reached out to me via DM and was very generous to gift me one of her ADG dolls as a Christmas gift! This was such a sweet surprise! Ayin was so kind to offer me this doll and I can’t thank her enough!
Afterward, I did a quick Google to see the ADG lineup so I could view all of the dolls and anticipate which doll I would be getting. As a brunette, I have a thing for dark-haired dolls so I was hoping to get either Priceless Parfait or Golden Goddess. So, I was extremely happy when I unboxed my Christmas gift and saw Golden Goddess!

She’s so gorgeous! Her hair is so long and full which is amazing given May’s hair situation. Her bangs have a split in the middle but they can be styled to not show, I kind of love it when her forehead peaks through. I love finally having a doll with long hair!
It was so interesting to compare her face with May's because it’s so much slimmer and she has a greenish tint (ADG dolls are known for this). Also, her makeup! She has green eyeshadow and a purple-pink mauve lip, it’s so strange because May is a Save The Animals Blythe doll and she has little to no makeup (her makeup is very natural) so to have a doll with striking makeup is so different and I love it!
Her entire body feels strange compared to the original Blythe Takara body type but her arms are especially odd as they’re bendy (and gummy?) nothing like the Blythe arms I’m used to. Her body is also shade darker the the rest of her body.
Her eye chips are also quite different from regular Blythe eye chips as the center isn’t black it’s just a dark shade of the eye chip color. I plan to eventually change her eye chips. I will also say that her pink eye chips look quite good on her which is funny because I know most people aren’t fans of pink and orange eye chips. Her orange eye chips will definitely be going though. haha
I crocheted Winter a pink puffy coat with matching earmuffs. The set came out so cute that I plan on making a white set for my other new doll (post about her coming soon!). It’s just nice to have another Blythe doll and I can’t wait to play with her and introduce her to my other doll.