At the beginning of the year, I decided to take the plunge and change my old Substack name and turn it into a Substack about Blythe dolls. If you’ve been following on my blog or Instagram, then you know that I can’t keep my mouth shut about Blythe dolls, and even though starting a Blythestagram did help connect with other Blythe doll collectors and I’ve met a lot of lovely people through that outlet I’m still a blogger at heart. I know Substack is more for writers but I kind of see it as an outlet for former bloggers or those who still want to connect via words.
I know Blythe dolls are a niche subject, so I do expect this substack to have a big following, but I hope I can connect with more like-minded individuals who enjoy discussing all things Blythe dolls. On this Substack, you can expect new Blythe doll releases, Blythe Bites where I share my adventures in the Blythe doll world, crochet patterns for Blythe dolls, and more! I have a list of fun posts planned that I hope you look forward to.
My goal is to post on this Substack 1-2 times a week, but depending on what’s going on in my life and schedule, I may post less or more especially if there is a lot of Blythe news! I hope you decided to join me or continue to support me!
If you read my previous Blythe Bites post, then you know that I took part in a Blythe doll Zoom chat. After that live stream, I was contacted by one of the participants, Ayin (aka Splattergirl) who kindly offered me an ADG doll! I literally freaked out! I wrote a whole post about Winter (that’s what I decided to call her) which you can read here.

After failing to acquire Lavendula Babe on Christmas, I decided to take the reins in my own hands and used my Christmas money to get her. However, because I ordered on the eve of Junie Moon’s holiday break, I had to wait 2-3 weeks. When I finally received her I couldn’t believe it! I filmed my experience opening my first official Blythe doll in 18 years and wrote a post about her as well.
It’s funny, I’ve listened and watched a lot of other Blythe collectors and a lot of them mention that once you start collecting Blythe dolls they just seem to quickly multiply and now I finally get that! I started my Blythe obsession in late October and now in early March I have three dolls! haha

As much as I love all my Blythe dolls, part of me feels like I’ve neglected them, which is why I dedicated a whole week to them in February. I made them each a cute Valentine-inspired outfit and even threw them a little Galentine’s celebration. I love each one of my dolls and can’t wait to play with them more this year by making them cute clothing, styling them, customizing them, and taking pictures of them.
If you would like to support me and this little Substack, word of mouth is always the best way to do so. I know I’m always discovering new people by recommendations of the people who I follow online. If you enjoy my content or know of other people who would love my content, hit the share button and tag me on social media.